Travis, or as we affectionately call him "Brother".
In our home the names have been changed to protect the innocent, although there really are no innocent as we are all guilty of something at sometime... Our Brother is quiet a peculiar character. To the naked eye he would appear to be somewhat of a "hermit" but take a closer look and you'll see this boy has his finger on the pulse of all that is cool (at least to him). He knows more about technology, music, geography, history and current events than anyone else I know. Inside the soul of this man is the boy that wore the very same smile he does today, he is quick to smile, quick to forgive, never complains and loyal to the end. I have always said that there isn't an animal or baby that doesn't love Travis and after all aren't they the best judges of character on the planet??Brother loves shopping at Vintage clothing stores and Thrift stores and on a recent trip spotted this Tshirt. Days later Michael Jackson died and he couldn't resist going back to get it. I mean really, how many of us even come across Michael Jackson Tshirts in our day to day journeys??
I was surprised to find out that when you look up the word ROUTINE in the dictionary it did not have a picture of Brother next to it. Although if you look closely, definition 4 does have his name in it:
–noun1. | a customary or regular course of procedure. |
2. | commonplace tasks, chores, or duties as must be done regularly or at specified intervals; typical or everyday activity: the routine of an office. |
3. | regular, unvarying, habitual, unimaginative, or rote procedure. |
4. | an unvarying and constantly repeated formula, as of speech or action; convenient or predictable response: Don't give me that brotherly-love routine! |
Recently Brother posted "5 Facts" about himself on You Tube, we loved watching his video and were a little surprised at his facts:
1) I have never broken a bone- taken many bad falls but never broken a bone.
2) I LOVE MILK! I drink at least 2 sometimes 3 BIG glasses a day.
3) I LOVE Soccer, I played for alot of years as a kid and love everything about the sport.
4) I Love Roller coasters!
5) I LOVE Star Wars, everything about it!
So, as you can see, this man-boy is a pure, simple soul. What you see is not always what you get- simple on the outside but very complex on the inside.
We love our Brother, after all he is the world's best boy!
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