Sunday, July 19, 2009

Got Worms?

This is our worm house...sitting nicely in the shade under our Avocado tree...

Makenna named this one Eric (??)

See those wiggly little guys- they're gonna make us some compost! (we hope!)

This is what our 'worm home' looked like when we first put them in...(7/17)
If everything goes as planned in 3-4 months we should have some BLACK GOLD or WORM POOP which is basically compost and will go into our garden. As of now we just have a very small garden in a BIG pot which is growing some tomatoes and peppers. We will be making our garden beds soon and will have to buy compost to get started but once these worms start pooping we are hoping they will provide us enough to grow a wonderful garden.....

Wouldn't it be nice if we could grow everything we needed? Some day I'd love to live outside of the city... I say Jackson Hole Wyoming is my 'ideal spot' but really I know nothing about it, but doesn't is just sound serene?? Maybe someday I'll meet a cowboy who will take me away from all of this and my days will consist of a couple hours of homeschooling Makenna, tending to the garden and then going for a run all before noon. Then spending the afternoon sipping sweet tea on my porch while Makenna runs wild and we go inside to start dinner which will be made from stuff we grew....
and then I woke up.

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