Ever since I started running, I've often asked each of the kids to join me. I've gone so far as offering money if they would run a 5k... I ask because I know what running has done for me and believe it is something that knows no age limits and for the most part the kids are pretty sedentary. I want each of them to grow into healthy, thriving, happy adults and know that running would be a good start. It takes no skills that they don't already have and relatively little time compared to other sports. It's the most "bang for your buck" as far as I'm concerned.
Well this week it happened- Jessica not only ran her very 1st 5k this morning but she also did a 5 mile trail run with us on Thursday!! She is still in the walk/run stage but regardless, she did amazing!! This morning we ran the OC Fair 5k in Costa Mesa and her PR for this mornings race was 39 min ??. Not to shabby!! And on Thursday we did the Peter's Canyon 5mi Trail run in Tustin, the hills in the first 2.5 miles were KILLER- there were many times it felt more like mountain climbing than running! With those long legs of hers, she is able to cover alot of ground quickly and I think she was built to be a runner. I also know the fact that she needs to get into shape before bootcamp had alot to do with motivating her but regardless, I like to think I may have played a roll in getting her out there! No matter what her motivation was or what her time was I am proud of her and look forward to running many more 5ks along side her (if I can keep up!)
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