You gotta get up early if you want to run a 1k! Makenna was up at 6:15 and was ready to run....
It's a good idea to do some stretching before you run also....

and maybe a little more stretching... if a little is good, alot is better right?

mommy: Your probably good and stretched now honey. You don't want to hurt yourself or be tired when it's time to run.
Makenna: Well I'd rather be tired from stretching than pull a muscle.
mommy: Can't argue with that.
Here she is making her way around the field...that's my girl!!!

And here she is coming into home stretch.... who's that right behind her?? Mommy!!

At the point where she was coming out of the stadium she entered the course right in front of me. I tried to catch her but daggum that little girl can run. It was fun crossing the finish line right behind her though. Yeah for firsts... it was the first time I ran a 31:32 5k, it was Makenna's first 1k/race and it was the first time I got to run with both of my girls! Thanks brother for getting up early to be 'official photographer' for us!